Sunday Service 10:00am

Transforming Lives Through Christ

Our Ministries

Worship / AV Ministry

Living Hope Church enjoys a gifted group of volunteers who serve as musicians, singers, and audio-visual technicians. LHC utilizes various multimedia presentations including Sermon Spice video clips, worship lyric videos, and PowerPoint sermon slideshows. If you believe that God has called you to worship and work for His glory at LHC as a member and you are interested in helping in some capacity on our Worship/AV team, please contact us.

This is an image of a sound engineer.

NGM Youth Ministry

NGM stands for Next Generation Ministries! We are seeking to come alongside and support parents who desire their children and young adults to wholeheartedly follow the Lord Jesus. We incorporate all the steps of our Roadmap for Discipleship as well as those in the Vision and Mission statement into the ethos of NGM working to create a family-friendly atmosphere. We utilize a combination of scripture memory, curriculum lessons, fun activities, and fellowship opportunities to foster positive relationships and to encourage youth toward an ever-growing personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) is held each July or August and is a special time for NGM participants, volunteers, and leaders! For more information, contact us!

This is an image of kids singing.

Children / Family Ministries

Living Hope Church seeks to assist families as they raise their children to be followers of Christ. Utilizing our “Road Map for Discipleship”, we reinforce the foundational truths of the Christian faith. We seek to provide a biblical, informative, and fun atmosphere for families. LHC facilitates this learning through mid-week meetings for children and youth called NGM or Next Generation Ministries. On Sunday, we hold a youth church meeting as well. A variety of activities help build up young people and foster relationships among the youth, within families, and with the wider body of Christ. Vacation Bible School, a week-long event, is held each July or August, camping outings, and other family events are scheduled throughout the summer and fall. Contact us for more information!

This is an image of kids dancing.

Christmas Program

Our NGM youth, children’s, and family ministries as well as our worship ministry come together for our annual Christmas program. There are songs, scripture, and a message relating to the birth of Jesus. Come celebrate with us!  Contact us for more information!

Christmas Program

Men’s Ministry

Our men’s ministry seeks to encourage men to be wholehearted followers of Christ. We utilize a simple 4-step “Roadmap to Discipleship”. Other meetings are held to foster fellowship and build relationships among men. Prayer breakfast gatherings help to facilitate relationship building and growing in faith together. We also participate in NO REGRETS events with other local churches. A 2-day men’s retreat at Green Lake Conference Center is hosted annually. Contact us for more information!

This is an image of men singing.

Women’s Ministry

Our women’s ministry is available for women both young and old. Included are prayer meetings and Bible studies. A women’s retreat is scheduled annually as well. Please check the church calendar and/or call the church office (608-356-7979) for more information. You may also use our contact form to inquire about our women’s ministry!

Life Groups & Midweek “WORSHIP & THE WORD”

Life Groups at LHC are small groups that meet to foster spiritual growth, relationships, and community at Living Hope. Some groups meet in homes and others meet at area restaurants. Our life groups range from being fellowship-oriented to incorporating a Bible study to meeting to pray. Our Senior Pastor has a weekly small group on Sunday morning where basic doctrine and the meaning of being a “Christ follower” are discussed. We also have a Midweek Service called ‘WORSHIP & THE WORD” from 6:30-8:00 pm at LHC. The schedule of these meetings varies during the summer months so please contact our office for times and locations of meetings.


Living Hope Church has a significant commitment to local and international missions. LHC sponsors short-term trips for cross-cultural missions experiences and there are many opportunities for involvement. LHC has connections with a sister church in Cebu, Philippines. We also support missionaries in Haiti, Mexico, France, India, and Israel. We also support a number of media ministries reaching out to Islamic nations. Contact us for more information.

This is an image of a built house.

Jericho Prayer Meeting

A prayer meeting is held for adults each Wednesday evening. We meet in the Pastor’s office from 5:30-6:15 pm ending just before our Midweek service. A short teaching on prayer, sharing of prayer requests, and corporate/group prayer is included in this meeting. We also pray for our missionaries, the nation, and all in authority. This is an informal, personal time of prayer and sharing for members and visitors. It is called the Jericho Hour as it was adapted form Dick Eastman’s School of Prayer. We believe as we pray in faith “walls” of fear and unbelief can be torn down in Jesus name! Contact us for more information.